We had a joyful Winter Assembly last month, with our class eliciting much laughter and lightness with their creative rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas. (Particularly the "six geese a-laying"... Not just the preschoolers thought that was cute...) And in attendance was Kian's new little brother, Jonah. Avella was so proud that he chose to make his arrival on her birthday - November 27. And we are all so happy for this growth in their family -- our family.
Beach Days have resumed with beautiful beautiful sunny days, and with them the joy of free play in the sand dunes. It's a nice way for the children to end the week -- to let the light of sun and laughter fill their bodies, from bare toes to bare heads. :)
This is all I have for now. More light soon coming...
The blog looks great Ellyn! I'm so appreciate of all the pictures and updates. Thanks for the tribute to Jonah too! : )